Gran sorteo de dos lotes de Escamas de Pimentón Ahumado La Chinata / Smoked Paprika Flakes La Chinata Grand Prize

By Prensa 30 de marzo de 2016 Leave a comment Go to comments

El próximo 11 de abril sortearemos, entre todos nuestros seguidores de Facebook, dos lotes de las nuevas Escamas de Pimentón Ahumado La Chinata (que constan de tres vareidades dulce, picante y agridulce). Para participar comparte este post y déjanos alguna sugerencia de tapa en la que nuestro producto tuviese especial protagonismo.

Until next April 11th we will be handling a draw, intended for our Facebook fans, of 2 batches of the Smoked Paprika Flakes La Chinata (that consist of three varieties sweet, bittersweet and hot). To take part in the draw, you must be a follower, you have to share this post in your Facebook Wall and let us know your appetizer recommendation in which our product be a key part of it.


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Posted in: NOTICIAS Tags: EscamasFlakesPimentónpaprikasorteoFacebok
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