La Chinata in Food Blogs

By Marketing 5 de julio de 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

Recently we have appeared in some Spanish Food Blogs.

Firstly, our friends from the Blog La Cocina del Mapache Feliz have elaborated the typical Spanish Migas. The main ingredients of this recipe are dried bread, water, chorizo, garlic and our Smoked Paprika Powder "La Chinata". For this recipe we recommend you the Bitter-Sweet variety because it will provide it a very nice flavour.

Las Migas was one of the main food of the Spanish farmers. They used to eat them with a fried egg, grapes or melon. Even in some places they are eaten as breakfast.


Secondly, our friend Maribel of the Blog Cocina de Reyes has shared with us a Chicken Paella. She has used our Dried Smoked Peppers "La Chinata" Maribel says that they provide a nice smoky flavour to the recipe. You can use them directly or using theirs meat after hydrating them.

Two great recipes that we hope you will prepare this weekend!

We would like to thank both Blogs for these nice recipes!

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