Lentil, Mushroom & Sweet Potato Shepherd's Pie / Pastel de carne de Lentejas, Champiñones y Patatas dulces

By Prensa 1 September 2015 Leave a comment Go to comments

This is a recipe suggestion made by the food website The Kitchn in which they take advantage of our Sweet Smoked Paprika Powder.

Esta es una sugerencia en forma de receta elaborada por el sitio web gastronómico The Ktichn en la que sacan partido de nuestro Pimentón Dulce Ahumado.

Full recipe details: http://www.thekitchn.com/recipe-lentil-and-mushroom-sweet-potato-shepherds-pie-182683
(C) The Kitchn
‪#‎smokedpaprika ‪#‎pimentónahumado ‪#‎lachinatacom

Posted in: RECIPESNEWS Tags: lentejaslentilsrecetarecipe
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