Slow Cooker Fall Chicken Vegetable Stew Recipe / Estofado de verduras con pollo a fuego lento

By Prensa 27 October 2015 Leave a comment Go to comments

Included on the website, the main ingredients of this “Slow Cooker Fall Chicken Vegetable Stew Recipe recipe are boneless chicken breast, Spanish smoked paprika, sea salt, black pepper, olive oil, onions, carrots, celery ribs, mushrooms, salt, pepper, potatoes, thyme sprig, sage leaves, rosemary sprigs, tomato sauce and low sodium chicken broth amongst others.

Incluida en el portal, los principales ingredientes de este “Estofado de verduras con pollo a fuego lento” son pechugas de pollo deshuesadas, pimentón ahumado, sal marina, pimienta negra, aceite de oliva, cebollas, zanahorias, apio, champiñones, sal, pimienta, patatas, tallos de tomillo, holas de salvia, ramitas de romero, salsa de tomate y caldo de pollo bajo en sal, entre otros.


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