Sweet smoked paprika flavored onion rings/ Aros de Cebolla al Pimentón Ahumado Dulce

By Prensa 21 de enero de 2014 Leave a comment Go to comments

Anna Kurdziel desde Irlanda nos ha enviado unos suculentos "Aros de Cebolla al Piemtón Ahumado Dulce"como contribución al II Concurso Internacional de Recetas que finaliza el próximo 31 de enero.

From Ireland we have received a tasty “Sweet smoked paprika flavored onion rings”; recipe made by Anna Kurdziel that will take part in our II International Recipe Contest.

- big, white, sweet onions, sliced into about 1 cm rings
- 1 cup plain flour
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
- 1 tablespoon La Chinata smoked sweet paprika powder
- 1 cup beer (lager will be the best)
- oil for deep frying

Prepare a pan/pot for deep frying and heat the oil - you need about 2 cm deep oil for this. In the meantime mix all the dry ingredients for the batter and add the beer. Depending on your flour etc, you might have to add more or less beer - you're aiming for a consistency of a thin yogurt. Coat each onion ring in the batter, so it's fully covered and place into the hot oil. Fry on each side until golden and the onion inside is soft. Dry on a kitchen paper and serve immediately. If you want even bigger kick of the
paprika you can sprinkle some on top of the already fried onion rings – when they're still warm. Enjoy!

Posted in: RECETAS
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