Posts tagged 'baked'
Shoulder of Pork with turnip tops and baked potatoes
An easy and original NETASA's recipe to take advatange of the Flakes of Sweet Smoked Paprika "La Chinata". See details by clicking in the link below.
Queso al Horno con Pimentón Ahumado / Baked Paprika Cheese Jamie Oliver
Last year some journalist form Jamie Oliver magazine visited our facilities in Plasencia. The published a long news report about our Company, including this tasty “Baked Paprika Cheese” recipe made by the well-known chef.
El año pasado varios periodistas de la revista Jamie Oliver visitaron nuestras instalaciones en Plasencia. Publicaron un largo reportaje acerca de nuestra empresa, en el que incluían esta sabrosa receta de “Queso al Horno con Pimentón Ahumado” elaborada por el reconocido chef británico.
Patatas rellenas al horno / Stuffed twice baked potatoes
Original recipe by Kristy from “She Eats” food blog food website collector whose ingredients are bacon, baked, baked potatoes, cheese, mashed potatoes, cheddar cheese, stuffed potatoes, smoked paprika, green onion, etc.
Una receta original de Kristy del blog gastronómico “She Eats” cuyos ingredientes principales son tocino, patatas al horno, queso, puré de patatas, pimentón ahumado, queso cheddar y cebolla verde, entre otros.
Full recipe details: