Posts tagged 'potatoes'
Shoulder of Pork with turnip tops and baked potatoes
An easy and original NETASA's recipe to take advatange of the Flakes of Sweet Smoked Paprika "La Chinata". See details by clicking in the link below.
Rioja-style potatoes / Patatas a la riojana
Delicious Martha is a Spanish Food Blog that suggest this first course “Rioja-style potatoes” as an ideal one for the whole family. It’s a classic Spanish dish whose main ingredients are potatoes, sweet pork sausage, bay leaf, red peppers, salt, olive oil and La Chinata Smoked Paprika.
Delicious Martha es un blog español que nos sugiere este contundente primer palto “Patatas la riojana” para compartir en familia. Se trata de una clásica receta española cuyos ingredientes principales sonpatatas, chorizo dulce, laurel, pimientos rojos, sal, aceite de oliva y pimentón ahumado La Chinata.
Baked potatoes with smoked paprika / Patatas asadas al pimentón
De la mano del blog gastronómico Valkicocina hemos encontrado esta llamativa receta de Patatas asadas al pimentón, que destaca por el corte de las patatas.
In Valkicocina food blog we have found this exciting Baked potatoes with smoked paprika recipe, which draws our attention how the cut the potatoes.
#pimentónahumado #smokedpaprika
Full recipe details:
Patatas rellenas al horno / Stuffed twice baked potatoes
Original recipe by Kristy from “She Eats” food blog food website collector whose ingredients are bacon, baked, baked potatoes, cheese, mashed potatoes, cheddar cheese, stuffed potatoes, smoked paprika, green onion, etc.
Una receta original de Kristy del blog gastronómico “She Eats” cuyos ingredientes principales son tocino, patatas al horno, queso, puré de patatas, pimentón ahumado, queso cheddar y cebolla verde, entre otros.
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Costilla de cerdo al pimentón ahumado con patatas Hasselback / Pork rib with Hasselbeck smoked paprika potatoes
Con sabor a Canela suggest this Pork rib with Hasselbeck smoked paprika potatoes to take advantage of our product, because according to their own words “it is highly recommended, I’m sure all of you use this smoked paprika in many recipes”.
Con sabor a Canela sugiere esta receta de Costilla de cerdo al pimentón ahumado con patatas Hasselback para sacarle todo el partido a nuestro producto, porque según sus propias palabras “os lo recomiendo, seguro que a vosotras os pasará igual que a mí y lo utilizareis en cantidad de recetas”.
Recipe details:
Smoked Paprika Sweet Potato Soup / Sopa de Patatas con Pimentón Ahumado Dulce
Naturallly Elly is a website where they try to deliver healthy and easy recipes for every occasion, in which we have found this incredible “Smoked Paprika Sweet Potato Soup”. The main ingredients are olive oil, shallot, potatoes, vegetable broth, black pepper, salt, heavy cream, blue cheese and smoked paprika amongst others.
Naturally Elly es un sitio web que busca ofrecer recetas saludables y fáciles de hacer para cada ocasión, dentro del cual hemos encontrado esta soberbia “Sopa de Patatas con Pimentón Ahumado Dulce”. Los ingredientes principales de la receta son aceite de oliva, chalota, patatas, caldo de verduras, pimienta negra, sal, crema de leche, queso azul y pimentón ahumado entre otros.
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#pimentónahumado #smokedpaprika #pimientos
Roasted red Potatoes with Smoked Paprika / Patatas rojas asadas con Pimentón Ahumado
The Aggie’s Kitchen is an everyday healthy recipe from the USA that some years ago published an easy but tasty “Roasted red Potatoes with Smoked Paprika”, where the final result can be appreciated in the picture below.
El blog gastronómico Aggie’s Kitchen, dedicado a ofrecer recetas diarias saludables, publicó hace años una fácil pero sabrosa receta de “Patatas rojas asadas con Pimentón Ahumado” cuyo resultado se pueden apreciar en la imagen que aparece más abajo.
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Potatoes in Varoma for Thermomix with Sweet Smoked Parika Powder "La Chinata"
This is the first recipe that we publish for our Ist International Smoked Paprika Powder "La Chinata" Recipes Contest.
These are potatoes in Varoma for Thermomix with Sweet "La Chinata" Smoked Parika Powder. This recipe has been made by Armando Lozano from Fuenlabrada (Madrid - Spain).