Posts tagged 'Pork'
Shoulder of Pork with turnip tops and baked potatoes
An easy and original NETASA's recipe to take advatange of the Flakes of Sweet Smoked Paprika "La Chinata". See details by clicking in the link below.
Estofado aromático de cerdo y cebolla roja al vino tinto y chocolate / Aromatic braised pork and red onion in red wine and chocolate
Este Estofado aromático de cerdo y cebolla roja al vino tinto y chocolate es una espectacular receta elaborada por el afamado blog gastronómico Directo al Paladar.
This Aromatic braised pork and red onion in red wine and chocolate recipe was made by the Spanish well-known food blog, Directo al Paladar.
Costillas de Cerdo con Pimentón y mermelada / Grilled Haskapa Smoked Paprika Pork Riblets
La marca de condimentos y mermeladas Haskapa publica entre sus sugerencias gastronjómicas esta receta de “Costillas de Cerdo con Pimentón y mermelada” enbtre cuyos principales ingredintes, se encuentra las costillas de cerdo, comino, pimentón ahumado, sal marina, chili, pimienta molida, azúcar y vino blando.
Haskapa products publishes within its culinary suggestions to take advantage of their condiments and jams this tasty “Grilled Haskapa Smoked Paprika Pork Riblets”, whose main ingredints are, pork riblets, olive oil, cumin, smoked paprika, coriander, sea salt, chili, ground pepper, sugar and white wine.
Full recipe details: